Saturday, February 17, 2007

nostalgia galore!

Recently when I zap through the dozens of tv-channels we have, I come across all kinds of tv-series and films, which were very popular in my childhood.

The other day I found a movie from Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. For those who don't know who they were, it is a bit of Laurel and Hardy mixed with Jackie Chan, and they were quite popular here in the '70's. I remember having birthday parties, where the whole gang was taken to the cinema, to see the latest of their movies. And just like the McDonalds, it was talked about for weeks afterwards. When I see it now, I notice how things have changed. Back then the humor was quite simple and decent. Now it is more direct and sometimes balancing on the edge. Anyway, it was fun to see it again, even for a little while.

I also found that RTL-7 is doing a rerun of the whole A-team series. THE A-TEAM!! Who doesn't remember those guys? Face, Murdock, Hannibal and B.A.
Looking back on that series, what amazes me is that each episode, they fire like thousands of bullets, and never someone was hit by one. They must have been really lousy shooters.
And each episode was basically a copy of the one before that: Girl in distress, meeting the handsome one from the A-team, they help her, they build a great machine, and they win.
But hey, we were 8 or 9 years old, what did we know.....or better, what did we care?
It was a great serie, and we HAD to be home to watch it, in order to talk about it next day at school. And you had to have a really solid reason why you didn't watch.
And the amazing things was, that these guys were actually hero's in our minds. Helping those who need help, fighting injustice, while they had to run from the law for a crime they didn't commit. The broadcast company who aired this series once invited them to Holland, or they were on a tour or something, not sure. Anyway, the scenes when they arrived. Kids went completely crazy. And the most amazing part is, that it wasn't the actors that did the tour, was the A-team, they had to stay in character the whole time.

And what about that other hitseries, "the Dukes of Hazard". Now, that was something. Two hillbilly brothers in a pimped up car that were always speeding, and a dumb sheriff who is never able to catch these guys.
I was at the time too young to enjoy Daisy´s hotpants, but also for kids my age there was plenty to enjoy. Like the same car jump over the broken bridge, where the General Lee would fly over like a F16 fighter plane, while the sheriff´s car fell down like a brick. That is was basically the same jump shot from different angles, we didn´t care. It was always great to watch.
And at school, the next day we always had to discuss that episode on the playground.
Seeing all this makes me feel a bit longing for those times, where things were so simple: the good guys always won, the bad guys always lost.
Ah well.......the present also has it's charm, right?

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