Thursday, April 05, 2007

Where are the Taiwanese articles?

As you can read in my "about me", I sometimes would write about my views on Taiwan. Now, I can tell by the desperate look in your eyes, that you are all just dieing to know why I haven't posted them in quite a while. You wanna know the truth or wanna hear some shitty lies?
For those who choose the lies, take your pick:

1) My computer crashed (no backup?)
2) Alec deleted them (Yeah, blame it on the kid)
3) The dog ate them (Since when do we have a dog?)
4) Can't find them anymore (sure, sure!)

For those who want to know the truth,.....I am LAZY!! There, I said it. It's out in the open. The thing is, I have them on my computer, but they are all in dutch. So, I have to translate them into English. And I just keep on postpone it.
But strangely, I keep on writing other blog-entries, which might be more "exhausting" to come up with then translate an already written article.
Strange, huh?
Anyway, I know you are wanting to see them back, but just be patient, and enjoy my other entries, until I get off my lazy ass and start translate them.

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