Friday, March 16, 2007

Alec, our little devil

Our little angel is starting to turn more and more into a little devil. And I don't mean devil in the bad sense of the word. He can just be so naughty at times. And in those situations I never really know how to react. Should I be angry, or should I laugh and think it's funny? Like the other day, I had to go upstairs for a minute. And now I let Alec stay downstairs, since he can handle that. Sometimes he just come upstairs after a few minutes, yelling "pappa", to see where I am. However, in this case, it stayed suspiciously quiet downstairs. So, when I came downstairs, mister had opened the freezer (which is "on street level" in our kitchen", had taken out the ice-cream, and was sitting on the floor, with the ice-cream box between his legs, and spoon in his hand, ready to dig in. What can you do in this case?
And how about this? If you ever come and stay overnight in our place, Alec will be the one serving you breakfast. Some other day he decided he wanted to have fried eggs, and when I was upstairs, decided to make them himself. He took 2 eggs, and broke them in the frying pan. Luckily we can shut off our stove, because he would actually have fried them.

Also he knows how to make coffee with our Senseo machine. He grabs the pad by himself, put the bag on the floor, and really has a hard time deciding which pad to take, puts the pad on the holder, which I would have to give, and then I have to lift him up the kitchen sink, where he puts the holder in place. After that I have to lift him high enough for him to get a cup, and it HAS to be the cup HE chooses. Once the right cup has chosen, he puts it under the machine and presses the right button.

However, doing groceries alone with him can be quite an ordeal. He knows what he wants, and how to get it. Picture me with my hands full of groceries, and Alec running around in all directions, except the one I am going. Luckily, he is not one of those kids, making a scene if he doesn't get something...Well, sometimes he does, but just divert his attention is usually enough to get him quiet.

Also he already knows his way around when driving by car. He always is pointing the direction we should go. And of course Daddy never listens to him, the ****.
But Wednesday we let Alec tell us which way we should go. Just ask him to point out the directions, and I would just drive to there. And believe it or not, we actually ended up in one of the shopping malls we occasionally do our groceries.
And mind you, he is only 2 years old.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow, not bad for only two years old!