Monday, January 01, 2007

Saddam Hoessein

I decided to do 2 posts this time, since there were 2 subjects I wanted to post, while they are still recent. I mean, wishing you happy new year in the middle of august, or talking about Hoesseins death around the same time is not really a bright thing to do.
Anyway, I wanted to write about the whole thing surrounding the death of Saddam Hoessein.
Everyone already knew it was coming weeks ago, and now finally the moment was there. I think it is safe to say that everyone agreed that he deserved the death penalty.
However, first I want to say that even though something had to be done about the situation in the Middle East and Hoessein was a threat for the area, the timing of Bush was to say the least a bit awkward. He was already involved in the war in Afghanistan, which cost a lot of money and lives already. So, I feel, that this whole war in Iraq is more of a private war between the Bushes and Hoessein. Daddy Bush has had problems with him, and couldn't finish his job, so junior had to take care of it for daddy. But since obviously George W. clearly doesn't have the brains in that family, he lied a very transparent lie to give him a reason to attack.
If Bush jr. was smart, which obviously he isn't, he only should have attacked Afghanistan. he had a good reason to do so after 9/11, and he would have had ALL his resources available for that war. Then he would have been a hero for taking out those who were responsible for 9/11. But he had to fight his personal family vendetta, and ordered his troops to march into Iraq. And you see where that has been leading to.
The other day we were talking about this, and YuMei mentioned about an article, saying that Hoessein also had done some good things for Iraq. Well, of course he had done some good things for Iraq, but I am sure Adolf Hitler has also done some good things for Germany , but it still makes him a terrible monster, and it doesn't make the crimes he committed less terrible.
Well...this is not the real reason why I write about this, but it is a good opportunity to get it off my chest.
The real reason is the fact that his execution was videotaped, and broadcasted all over the world. And I am a bit of a soft sensitive guy, and I must say that I had a bit of trouble with that.
I never like to see that kind of stuff, whether it is on the news or in movies or something. I always can almost feel the fear of the person about to be executed. So, I never seen "The Green Mile" or "Fallen", since that would make this weak children's soul have nightmares.
And it was all over the news: CNN, BBC, NBC and all the other abbreviations were broadcasting it the whole day, every damn minute of it.
in Holland we also had no way to escape these scary images. The worst is, that is was broadcasted in the 6 o'clock news. Does anyone know how many KIDS are watching around that time? I am lucky that Alec is still too young to understand what is going on, but I can already hear those children's questions from those 3-, 4- or 5 year olds:"Daddy, what are they doing there?", "Daddy, who is that man?", "Daddy, why do they put a rope around his neck?". How can you possibly answer those kind of questions? What can you say? "That man is a very bad man, and they are going to kill him with that rope"?
At least they had the decency not to film the actual event, but still. Like we wouldn't believe it, if they just told us without the video images.
I really hope that next time broadcasting networks, at least those here in Holland, have the decency not to broadcast these kind of things that early in the evening. But I am afraid that the next time it will just be the same again.


Anonymous said...

i TOTALLY know wat u mean! i thought the images were very explicit, they showed puttin the rope round his neck!!! mind u we didn't c the hanging! but the idea wat obviously there! and they showed the after! and it was sayin how his neck was broke and there was blood! ERMMMMMMMM it really made me uncomfortable! and if it made me uncomfortable! imagine how kids like age 8 would think! but it did annoy me! i'm sure its "good news" or they want people to know its real! but.. honestly! xXx

klini said...

What I feared already after seeing those videos DID happen! In the US (where else?) has a boy hang himself, after seeing the video's. Apparently he was experimenting, and that experiment got out of hand. Unfortunately, the media will not be held responsible for this.