Thursday, July 12, 2007

Taiwanese and Karaoke/KTV

Finally I have some inspiration to write something new on my blog again. I wanted to write about the difference between Karaoke and KTV, but was never sure how to start, what angle to use etc.

Now, a few blocks down the road from where I was staying there is a massive KTV- establishment. This is actually a top-class whorehouse disguised as a KTV-bar where the top of the local Mafia like to hang out. Personally, I don't mind, but the Mayor thinks a little bit different, and had stationed 3 police cars right in front of the building, checking everyone going into the building. Thus giving me a nice opportunity to write about this.

First the difference between KTV and Karaoke ( or "kala OK" as they call it in Taiwan). At a Karaoke bar you will find a stage right in front of the place where you have to do your "thang", while at KTV you have your own private room, your own sound system etc.

I.E. with Karaoke you'll humiliate yourself in front of the entire place, while at KTV you only humiliate yourself for only the select few you have chosen yourself (or not).

Therefore KTV-bars are an excellent disguise for whorehouses. This doesn't necessarry means that ALL KTV-bars are whorehouses, no, in some of them you actually have to sing in order to get a drink.

As you can read, I assume that you will get a free drink when you sing. I have heard once there was a karaoke bar where this is custom. Now, I am not sure if this goes for all of them, and as you can read in the tone of this post, I am not exactly a frequent visitor. short, If you at your peak, and you get a drink, then you are in a whorehouse. If you sing at your peak and STILL have to order a drink, you are at a KTV-bar

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