Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Telephone games: easy money?

Recently there has been a discussion about a ban on the telephone games played on TV. Word goes that these games are nothing but a big fraud. DUH!! They only discover this just now?
Oh, for those who don't know what I am talking about, these games are just as simple as the person hosting it. On screen there is a word, or at least part of it, and everyone can call a telephone number (@ 1 euro per minute) and can guess that word. Once you guessed the word you can win upto 5000 euro. Wow, easy money, right? WRONG!!!
Let me tell you how a game like that goes:

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen. Today I am looking for a word with 3 letters. The first one is a D, the last one is a G. I will give you a clue: it's man's best friend, it has four legs, and it barks. Come on, people, you can call now with the right answer.............nobody is calling?.......Come on, the lines are open.......Oh, YES Finally we have a caller (This is shouted like she's having an orgasm). Hello, who is on the phone? "Uh, hello....", "What is your name?", "Uh, John", "Ok, hi John, what is the answer?", "Uh.....Uh.......I think it's CAT". "Oh, I am soooooo sorry, John, it not the right word, but please try again soon"

Meanwhile, hundred people have already tried to call, and got some computer, stating that they are not selected, but please try again.
The above already shows the intelligence one must have to play this game, to actually make the call. Or to host it. Usually the girls hosting it, are really cute...........but, that's about it. Apart from the looks, there is nothing intelligent coming out of that mouth, apart from the.......oh, no. I was about to write something disgusting, but my mom is reading this too. So I leave this to your imagination.

Anyway, not only the hosts have an IQ which matches the shoe size, also the people calling, aren't really the sharpest knives in the drawer. And having said this, I have a confession to make. The shame is already overwhelming just by thinking about this: I ALSO called a few times. YES, I know! Shame on me! It truly is an almost unbearable shame I will have to carry with me for the rest of my life!
And don't ask why. Maybe temporary insanity, or the amount of blood in my alcohol. At least I can tell you from first hand experience, that all this is a fraud on massive scale.
The answers are usually so easy, that you almost HAVE to call. I mean, sometimes I am just flipping through the channels with the remote, and I see one of those games on screen. Well.....usually within 2 or 3 seconds I have already seen the answer. And I am not a great puzzle-player. So, when I called, in that state of temporary insanity, I get a computer, stating they are looking for the fifth caller, and they are now going to check if I was the fifth caller. And guess what? Nope, BUT, I was close, I was fourth caller. And since I still was in that state, it fed my sense of determination. So I called again, only to be the sixth caller.....Ouch, so close...well, try again. And YES!! This time I was fifth caller. Oh how sweet the victory! Oh, I have to guess a number between 1 - 9. And poof!! Gone was that euphoric sensation.

In Belgium there was this game in which the hostess visibly tricked the viewers. She had a piece of paper in her hand, showing the letters I and S. And the viewers had to guess which 2 -letter word(!) they were looking for (this proofs my earlier statement of the intelligence of these games). The last caller guessed the word correctly as being "si". The hostess quickly turned the paper, and told the caller that this word was wrong. Watch the video (sorry, it's in Dutch, but I think you can see what happens):

Anyway, the justice department here in Holland is now investigating if they can build a case against two broadcasting companies. FINALLY!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Telephone games are soooo annoying! If you are in the middle of a very interesting programme, there's always a blond-hair woman who tries to say you are the only one in the world who knows the word. If you believe this, you're just stupid.

But infortunately there are enough people who believe it :S C'mon people, don't call any more! When nobody calls, they just fade away :P

Excuses for my bad english :)