Thursday, February 14, 2013

I am back!!


Hi everyone,

I am back. Finally again after almost 5 years.

Have been very busy all this time, and just never really took the time to actually post any new blogs.
I hear you asking: "why all of a sudden now?"

Well........I feel the world is ready for what I have to say!!!!

Nah, just kidding....but I always wanted to say that :).

Lately I have been done quite some thinking, and all of a sudden remembered I had a web-blog somewhere lying under a ton of dust. And then I was remembering all the things I wrote, and remembered how I been thinking about what to write about, and how to write it.
And started to miss it.

So I decided to dust off this blog, and start again.

In those 5 years a lot has happened. Alec has really grown bigger, which most of you probably know already, AND as most of you also know already has gotten a little sister, who is not so little anymore, turning 2 in April this year.
You'll be reading a lot more about them, but also about politics, crime, humorous finding on the net, games, love, music......well the list can and will be endless.

I hope you all like my comeback...if not, tough luck!


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