Monday, April 09, 2007

Adrenaline junkie

We already know that Alec is close to fearless when it comes to rides, slides and other things fast. No slide too high, no ride to rough. The other day we went to the fair in a nearby city. And he found his ride in a special rollercoaster for kids. We wanted to let him ride one time, and let him ride something else. But no.......he insisted on riding it again.

Last Saturday we went to a place called Aviodrome which is a museum for anything having to do with aviation. We went there with a friend of ours and her kid, the same age as Alec. It was nice to have another kid around Alec for a change, and they both had a lot of fun.
After walking around inside the museum, we went outside, while our friend went to a different area, watching the model helicopters with her son.
The moment Alec saw this flight simulator, one of those where all the movements on the screen are being felt at the same time.
He started to point at it, and didn't stop pointing and looked at me with those big brown eyes, you know...those eyes that always are soooo hard to resist. It was
I had my doubts at first, since you never really know with 2-year old kids, what is nice and what is scary for them. I already saw myself sitting inside with him, pressing the emergency button, because Alec was freaking out.
But on the other hand,...the ride was free, and in the case this would happen, the people we would be ruining the ride for could just go again after that.
So, in we went. Alec was sitting on my lap, being enthusiastic for the ride. Then the doors closed, and I already was checking where the emergency button was.
The movie was about a fighter plane flying a mission over Iraq (where else?), and it promised to be a rough ride, by the look of the aircraft carrier we were taken to.
We took off, and the cabin started moving. Alec was already showing signs of enthusiasm, and that became even bigger, when the "plane" took a right turn while climbing high into the sky. Alec was laughing really loudly, and started pointing at the screen. All the others already started to laugh also, and saying "how cute". And then the plane took a left turn, and Alec started to laugh just as hard as before. He loved it. The whole ride he was making enthusiastic sounds, and laughed at every unexpected turn.

When we came out, he started to "tell" YuMei enthusiastic how the ride was. He was mimicking the ride, and was smiling the whole time.

Yup......he really is an adrenaline junkie!

P.S. He was a bit more enthusiastic at first, but as always we were too late with the cam.


Anonymous said...

hi! Klini,
I was big fan of your lovely wife Jumai's Het leven in het molenland blog.
I just want to let you know I pasted the Taiwan will touch your heart clip from your blog to my blog @

if that is ok with you.

Like your point of view about Formorsa. Goog luck to your job hunting.

Janice D.

klini said...

That's no problem. I also got it from Youtube.